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Brent Tripp

Digital Marketing Coordinator

The Center for Sales Strategy - Logo

Brent may not be the best impersonator (you won't find him on YouTube or SNL), but he does have a knack for adopting specific voices through his writing.

After all, copywriting is how he became introduced to the marketing field. Since then, he has grown passionate around the Inbound Marketing Methodology and is dedicated to applying the right tools, at the right times, to achieve tangible results. In addition to his constant thirst for further marketing knowledge, Brent loves helping others solve problems. In essence, that's why Inbound struck such a chord within him. Because there's no challenge, big or small, that he's unwilling to help tackle.

Originally from Coastal Georgia, Brent currently lives in Vermont. When he's not reading a spooky story, he's out on a run or enjoying a craft beer. In his spare time he also writes fiction and hopes to see one of his own novels in a bookstore one day.

Connect with Brent Tripp

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